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10 Beautiful Diy Fruit Bouquet Ideas

The fruit bouquet is suitable for various celebrations such as birthdays, anniversaries and any celebration where you think of serving fruit. The most recommended fruit for the fruit bouquet are strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, melons, watermelons, oranges, pineapples, mangoes and grapes.
To make a bouquet beside the fruit, you will need also a base. This base can be a vase, a pot or a basket. First, clean, wash and dry the fruit. You can cut the fruit into pieces of your choice. Stick the fruit on the barbecue wand. Place prepared styrofoam wrapped in foil in the base to prevent contact with fruit. In the end, stick the fruit wands to the styrofoam. With fruit, you can also add some sweets to your arrangements such as white chocolate, dark chocolate or marshmallow candies. The fruit bouquet is of course edible.
For your inspiration, take a look at the ideas we have chosen for you.

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2 thoughts on “10 Beautiful Diy Fruit Bouquet Ideas”

  1. Hola, me interesa aprender a hacer este tipo de arreglos con frutas y vegetales, en donde puedo encontrar información, vivo en Madrid – España .

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