This year coloring Easter eggs turn into a real family event using natural plant-based colors. It is fun, creative and environmentally friendly,since the colors are natural. You’ll be surprised of wide range of colors and shades that are hidden in plants.
Natural Easter egg dyes:
Shell of red onions
Pomegranate juice
Hibiscus flower
Shell of yellow onion
Red pepper powder
Turmeric powder
Orange peel or lemon
Seeds of celery, cumin and dill can also provide an interesting yellow color
Turkish coffee
Shell or walnut leaf
Leaves of spinach, chard
Blueberries and their juice
Leaves of red cabbage
Flower of black mallow
Juice or syrup of blackberry
Juice of black grapes
Juice of cranberry or raspberry
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If you want colorful eggs you can use leaves, flowers and grass for decoration. Put the eggs in water and set flower or leaf on them. Then wrap the eggs with a nylon stocking and tie with rope. Be careful to not bend the leaf. After that the eggs are prepared for coloring process.
Cooked together natural materials and eggs. After the eggs are cooked, leave it in the liquid overnight (together with plant material). After 24 hours, remove the eggs, then dry and smeared with a little unrefined sunflower oil. Since the natural colors are not as intense, you need to use a lot of plant material.
Have fun i coloring with natural Easter egg dyes!