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4 Ways to bring immediate calmness to your home

    Once upon a time the thought of creating calmness and positive energy in a home would never have been taken seriously. Now, we’re completely in this era – with the likes of feng shui making all of the difference to the way in which we organize our home. While there are umpteen books available on the subject, today’s post is all about providing some faster advice. Some might refer to the remainder of today’s piece as “quick hacks”, but regardless of the terminology let’s now dive into some of the easiest ways to inject calmness into your home.

    The story of clutter

    We’ve called this a “story”, as over the years clutter has become a real buzzword in any topic related to your home. We don’t need to go into the true ins and outs of this subject – it’s something that has been covered more than enough by other publications. The premise is simple though; make it go away. Granted, this can be a case of “easier said than done”, but every so often try and have a major clear-out and reduce the chances of clutter appearing on your work surfaces and anywhere else it might accumulate on. By following this advice, you’ll feel the relief of energy immediately.

    Flowers and plants can make all of the difference

    Another area that you can tackle comes with the plants and flowers that you place in your home. Quite often, these contain all sorts of hidden meanings, with history suggesting that they can promote positive energy in your home. What are some quick examples? Windflower is said to protect you against evil wishes, while Jasmine is said to just promote positive energy as a whole.

    The little reminders can make all of the difference

    We touched upon the topic of clutter earlier, and in some ways this next point goes completely against it. However, no matter who you are, you will have probably collected items from a vacation – or another relaxing time. Sure, if you were to follow a strict clutter rule, these would be eliminated from your home as a matter of urgency. If they are small items that do bring yourself a feeling of peace, and are particularly soothing, try and keep them. These small reminders can be just the indication to transform your mood on a tough day, and bring calmness back to your home.

    Keep essentials in an easy to access place

    There are certain items that some of us need pretty frequently. We’re not going to speculate what falls into this category, as it can differ depending on who you are. For example, for some people it might be paperwork, or for others it might be a particular condiment for the dining room table!
    Regardless of your item of need, make it as accessible as possible. If you find yourself having to dig through a cluttered cupboard, it’s the opposite of calmness. Let’s not forget that you are allowed these crowded spaces, but if you keep having to reach into them it’s going to become overwhelming.

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