Organizing your home in a smart and practical way is important to keep dust and grime away. If you tidy and arrange your furniture, appliances and possessions in a smart way you will spend less time cleaning them. Here are some organization hacks which will help you clean hard to reach places. You will learn how to get to the places in your home which gather most dirt as well as how to make your rooms easier for maintaining clean.
Under furniture and appliances gather a lot of dust and dirt so, keeping these areas sanitized is necessary. Use the small attachment of your vacuum cleaner to hoover these areas or a mop them. Most furniture pieces and appliances are heavy and can’t be moved by one person. With a mop or a vacuum cleaner you can remove dust and grime.
Use mason jars to store some of your smaller utensils which can gather in them. Keep the jars with lids and put a label on each jar indicating what’s inside it. This will protect your cutlery from gathering dust. You can also use cups to store your spoons, forks and knives.
Behind the toilet bowl and its base are places which most people neglect and forget to clean. Make a bleach solution to disinfect these areas, mop the floor and keep germs away.
Keep the food products in glass jars with lids that are labelled instead of in their original bags. Otherwise they can get easily spilled on your cupboards and cleaning the inside areas of your kitchen furniture will be very difficult. Mason or other glass jars with lids are transparent and will keep the products fresh and clean.
The crevices between the keyboards gather a lot of crumbs, dirt particles and soiling. An effective and easy way to clean them is by using your make-up brushes. Their bristles will reach even the tiniest gaps and remove the debris. Clean your keyboard regularly to reduce the spreading of allergens and bacteria.
Ceiling fans gather a lot of dust and are hard to be cleaned. There is a better way to sanitize them than using a duster which will make the grime fall on the floor. Move Out Clean Kilburn suggests to slide a pillow case above the fan blade and wipe the dust from it which will make sure it lands in the pillow case instead on the floor.
You can use wall mounted crates as shoe storage space. Each crate can fit up to two pairs of shoes depending on their size. Use the space inside and over the crates to store decoration items or more shoes. Your entrance area will be easier for cleaning, mopping and sweeping with less or no shoes on the floor. Paint each crate in a suitable colour to match the rest of the interior. Display vases with flowers on some crates.
Reaching ceilings and mouldings is a difficult task which can be done with the help of a broom and a microfibre cloth or a Swiffer duster. Attach the cloth to the broom with a rubber band to secure it. You should wipe the dust and grime from the mouldings and ceiling without efforts this way. Instead of a broom you can use any high tool you have with an attached cloth for dusting.
Doing some innovations and changes will make your rooms easier for maintaining. Keep smaller items in containers with lids to reduce the spreading of dust. You need to make sure every item is in its place after using it. Apply the hacks offered here to keep your rooms clean and reach the areas you though were inaccessible. They will help you have a more hygienic and tidier home.