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Top 5 space saving beds

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    Don’t have much room to work with? Need a new bed? Consider some of these hidden gems when decorating and you aren’t working with too much room in a home or loft apartment.

    These beds fold into the wall. If you want to fit a desk, need to double up room for a couch, or simply don’t want to make the bed every day, your problem is solved. They are a space saver, and no one has to know where your bed is, as they fold right into the wall.

    Over or under head
    Beds can be raised into the ceiling or down below the floor with new technologies. If you don’t have space, yet need a comfortable space to sleep, this is a solution. They might be a bit pricey, but they are out of sight out of mind during the day, while giving you that comfortable place to lay your head at night.

    Bunk up
    Bunk beds are truly innovative. More than one place to sleep, comfort, and uses up very little space when you have a small area to work within your home. Further, they are great for kids or adults, so no matter where they are being set up, they are ideal for small areas or homes.

    Roll or fold
    These beds can easily roll away into a closet. Like a cot, only far more comfortable. You can choose from various sizes, shapes, and mattress settings. No matter how small space you are working with, they are easy to store and easy to hide away when you aren’t sleeping.

    Even if you have limited space, you need a place to sleep at night. Consider some of these options for tight quarters, when looking for and choosing the right bed for any sized room or home. If some of these beds listed do not fit your needs then you could even get local joiner or handyman to build you a bed which fits your needs.

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