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Post holiday cleaning – engage the whole family

    During holidays everyone loves to spend their time with family, friends and have fun with each other. The problem is that after the guests and friends leave there is a lot of work to be done which is better carried out by more people. If you engage every member of your family in the cleaning work after the holidays are over, it will be completed faster and with better results. Here are some ideas how to provide an effective post holiday cleaning that will engage the whole family.

    Post holiday cleaning

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    Before the holiday start assign everyone in your family a couple of jobs that are suitable for the person. Make sure they know what is expected of them. For example, you can make your children clear the table, some of them may collect the trash and gather it in the bin. Washing of the dishes is a task which should be done by an adult because it is more difficult. Make sure everyone is involved in the cleaning in the end of the holidays.
    Create a to do list before the holiday starts and extend it if it is necessary right after it ends. In it include every person in your family and assign a few tasks for each one according to the age. Include the kids in this list giving them easier and safer tasks to do. Put the task list somewhere everyone can see and give your best to motivate them.
    The kitchen is usually the rooms which needs more cleaning is said by Cleaners Shepherds Bush. You can clean it as you go during the preparing of the meals or serving and start with it when your guests leave. Leave the more complex tasks to yourself or other adults in our family and let your kids do the easier tasks which aren’t risky for them.
    The bathroom is usually a place that gets more soiled especially if you have invited more guests in your home. Use suitable disinfectants and cleaners to scrub and wipe the floor, sink and appliances. This is work better done by an adult.
    Check your carpets and furniture for stains and spills. If you find such call a professional carpet cleaning provider to remove them as soon as possible and make sure they don’t spoil the tissue.
    The tidying up and de-cluttering of the rooms can be done by more family members including younger ones. They can cope with the gathering and throwing of the thrash, clearing the table, removing food that is left after the celebration. Depending on their age, kids can also do the vacuum cleaning in some of the rooms. Show them in advance how each task should be done and make sure that they do it properly. To avoid accidents supervise your younger kids when doing the more difficult tasks.
    If you have gathered a lot of gifts you will need space for storing them. The golden rule is every time you get a new item or clothing, no matter what is it, you should get rid of an old one. Check your room for items which you don’t use, wear or need, damaged, broken or torn things and throw them away. Make you kids take three bags: for clothes and toys for donation, for trash and for art supplies or schools. This will free space in your rooms for the new things which you have received as presents.
    Post holiday cleaning is hard work and is better done by more people. If you involve your kids and everyone in your family to help you with the cleaning work, it will take less time and efforts. Use the tips that are presented here to provide thorough and well post holiday.

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