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How to make amazing Fountain – Mexican pottery fountain ideas

    Fountains, buildings of functional and aesthetic uses have existed for thousands of years and have more symbolism than any other element in the design of the yard. They were created of the need to bring clean water to settlements, and became symbols of deities, nature, power, wealth, art. While earlier garden fountains were reserved only for city squares, aristocratic and opulent courtyards, today, backyard fountains can possess anyone, buy it or very often, make it themselves. Building fountains for your yards doesn’t really have to be a complicated and difficult job. Below, we’ll show you tips on how to create your own fountain.
    Fountains are classified by several criteria: by location, size, material of manufacture, type of nozzle …Before you order a fountain or get started, here are some things to keep in mind:

    Water and electricity source
    Some fountains have a constant flow of water, while in others fountains the water circulate. Fountains like second one should be checked regularly for sufficient water. If it is possible, keep the power source close because you will need to connect the pump.
    Today, fountains are made of a variety of materials, and those of stone and concrete need the least maintenance. Fountains of bronze and copper are a nice contrast to the natural environment but require a little more maintenance than others and are more expensive. Also, there are fountains with glass, ceramic, metal and wooden elements.
    Illumination of a garden fountain can completely change the appearance and ambience of the yard. Some fountains have built-in lighting, and in those that don’t have, you can add it later.
    The place where you will place the backyard fountain is a thing that you need to think about. If the fountain is larger, don’t place it near other objects, and if it is smaller, make sure that it is not covered by flowers or yard furniture. Also, make sure that the fountain is not under the trees as falling leaves will make it difficult to clean.
    Fountains must be maintained regularly. Leaves and branches can cause stop working and the algae will make the fountain to look neglected. Each purchased fountain comes with a maintenance manual. In winter, water should be drained from the fountain and the water supply stopped. Also, it is always good to cover it with nylon so that weather condition doesn’t damage it.
    Extra decor
    Decorate the fountain or the space around it with plants, stones …
    Creating a small fountain for the yards
    The way a yard fountain is made depends on the type of fountain, its size, position, size … If you think you are ready for this venture and want something special and strive for perfectionism, first make a sketch, consult an appropriate master, and then go to work.
    Creating a fountain is not too complicated, but it still requires some knowledge and skills. For small garden fountains decorative pots are usually used, and in addition you need electric pump, plastic hose, silicone, decorative stones and plants (if desired). Most of the tools you need are scissors, scalpels, drills …
    If possible, use a large terracotta pot, they are good quality and look good. The larger the pot, the less water will be sprayed outside.
    – In the pot should be drilled a hole for the cable of the electric pump. The hole position is an individual decision according to your needs.
    – Insert the pump cable sufficiently so that you can place the pump on the raised part, or on the brick that you will put inside the pot. The hole through which the cable is inserted additionally close with quick-drying cement or silicone.
    – Place bricks at the bottom of the pot and place a pump on the raised part.
    – Fit the other pots. Pots can be mounted on a metal support or by placing one above the other. For ideas on how to set them, see the image gallery and video below.
    – The hole in which the pump hose will be inserted must be drilled into the top pot. After installing the hose, the hole should be closed with silicone. Mask the hose.
    – Decorate the fountain with stones, plants …
    – After all is ready, pour the water into the lowest large pot and start the electric pump. Make sure that the water level doesn’t fall below the level at which the pump is located.
    For your inspiration in the extension, see picture gallery of beautiful Mexican pottery fountains. For those who prefer video tutorials, we have chosen one for you also and you can see it at the end of the post.

    Mexican pottery fountain

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    1 thought on “How to make amazing Fountain – Mexican pottery fountain ideas”

    1. I love these fountains so how do I get information on these fountains. Beautiful colors and designs. Patty

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