It would be nice to simply cut your bills when looking for ways to reduce your spending. Unfortunately, that’s usually not possible without changing your entire lifestyle. Setting up a home water harvesting system, though, is a great way to get started. Residential rainwater harvesting has a double benefit. First, as stated above, you can reduce the amount you spend on water from your local utilities. Second, it’s a greener way to live. But, be careful when you drink rainwater: although it’s natural, rainwater sometimes contains particulates! It’s easy enough to treat rainwater yourself. Otherwise, rainwater is, of course, a fine way to water garden plants. You can also use it untreated for laundry, toilet water, and other internal uses that don’t involve drinking or bathing.
Here’s all you need to know about setting up a rainwater system for a house.
Where to Put a Water Harvesting System
A roof system diverts rainfall from the roof to a tank, whereas ground catchment systems collect water from ground level. Place your water harvesting tank on solid footing, often a concrete pad. Most homeowners choose a roof catchment system and place it next to their home. You may be imagining a rain barrel under a downspout. While this is a fine way to collect water for ground use, it also overflows easily and doesn’t result in water that most of us want to drink. Instead, consider a slimline rainfall collection tank, like the ones you can see at
These tanks sit right up against your house and are made of food-grade plastic so the water is safer to drink.
Setting up the System
Setting up a home rainwater catchment system is shockingly easy. After receiving your rainwater tank and putting it where you want it, there are just a few more steps. First, attach a downspout from your roof to the inlet of your new rainwater tank. This directs rain into your catchment system. Second, decide where you want to attach the overflow and outlet for your system. The overflow releases excess water that does not fit into the tank, usually into your storm drain. The outlet directs water to your home’s pump to be used for whatever purpose you see fit. Third, hook up the overflow and outlet and you’re done! These steps assume your pump is already installed, so if you don’t already have a water pump for this purpose, you should purchase one ahead of time.
In Need of More Home and Garden Ideas?
Now that you’ve learned how to set up a residential water harvesting system, are you looking for new and interesting ways to use that water? You can find gardening tips as well as all sorts of indoor living ideas right here on our blog! If you’re looking to move on to another project, we have all kinds of ideas for you, too. In fact, with the amount of information we have available, you could read our blog for days and days, so you have no time to waste! Get started with your next article now.