Many rich and famous people faithfully follow the philosophy of Feng Shui and “obey” the advice and provisions prescribed by this ancient Chinese way of life. According to these rules, certain colors have the power to attract money and positive energy into your home. They change the vibration that circulates in the room, refresh the space and all these results in success and well-being in life.
So get an item or paint at least one wall in your home in one of these 4 colors.
Red color
Red is known for attracting wealth, and it quickly neutralizes negative energy. The ancient Chinese always kept money in red wallets because according to ancient beliefs, this color attracts even more money in life and brings prosperity.
Green color
Green brings harmony to the home. Right behind the red, it is a valuable symbol of wealth, both spiritually and materially.
Purple color
The rich, deep shades of purple bring a royal atmosphere to the home. This shade is a symbol of elegance, wealth and spirituality. It is best to store purple items in parts of the home facing southeast and north.
Yellow color
Yellow encourages creativity. The color is full of positive energy and can improve everyone’s mood. This color brings with it many new occasions and positive changes.